Getting started#


DipCoatImage-FiniteDepth can be downloaded from PyPI by using pip:

pip install dipcoatimage-finitedepth

You can also install with optional dependencies as:

pip install dipcoatimage-finitedepth[dev]

Available optional dependencies for DipCoatImage-FiniteDepth are:

  • test: run tests.

  • doc: build documentations.

  • dev: every dependency (for development).


Analysis starts with writing a configuration file, either as YAML or JSON.

 type: CoatingImage
 referencePath: ref.png
 targetPath: target.png
     layerData: output/data.csv
   type: MyType
   my-parameters: ...

The type field is important. It defines how the analysis is done and what parameters are required. You can define and register your own type by writing a plugin.

After specifying the parameters in configuration file, pass it to ‘finitedepth analyze’ command to perform analysis:

finitedepth analyze config.yml

Refer to Tutorial page for a runnable example.